WBF 12.2A Fleece: Parapet/Curb with Continuous Membrane – Bead Applied

WBF 12.2 Fleece: Parapet/Curb with Continuous Membrane – Full Coverage

WBF 12.1A Fleece: Parapet/Curb with Separate Membrane – Bead Applied

WBF 12.1 Fleece: Parapet/Curb with Flexible DASH – Full Coverage

WBF 9.0 Fleece Membrane Terminations (Page 2 of 2)

WBF 9.0 Fleece Membrane Terminations (Page 1 of 2)

WBF 2.2 Fleece Membranes: Thermoplastic Membrane Splices

Z1.2 Metal Retrofit – ANSI/SPRI ES-1 Compliant Fascia – Shop Fabricated

Z1.1 Metal Retrofit – Enlarged Details

T22.2 Metal Retrofit Roof Ridge Vented